5 Truths That Will Transform Your Life By Surabhi Surendra - Blog

Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth. – Thoreau

We all prefer to live by our own rules. These are often trial and error methods. We make mistakes, learn a lesson from them and avoid them in future. A wise way to live life is by learning from others’ mistakes. With eons of wisdom and experience, there are some golden rules that hold good for every one.

These are those few truths that have been proving their worth and success since ages. If these few lessons are learned by heart and life is lived by following these, I am sure you can experience a new birth.

No decision is good or bad, it is the end result that matters. This is undoubtedly the best lesson I have learned in life. Like Shakespeare said, ‘alls well that ends well’. You do something different and you will be criticized but if the same decision turns out to be fruitful in the end, you will be applauded. There are countless examples where scientists, philosophers, writers and entrepreneurs were panned for their new thought, process and creation but when the same idea worked well, they were rewarded and revered.

So the point here is to first make a sensible decision and then stick to it. Defend it and work to make it successful. Stop pondering over why did you do something in the past or why did you take some decision. Pause for a while and decide to carve out a path from the same thing onwards. Whatever happened, has happened. Now excel in whatever you are doing and it will be alright.

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