Sports In School

sports in school

“Sports do not build character. They reveal it.” – Heywood Brown That shy, reluctant girl sitting in the corner of the class, whom all the kids call “nerdy” might knock you out in the boxing ring with a single punch, if only she is motivated to play sports and explore her potential. Sports play a vital role in the holistic development of children. Here are the benefits of engaging your children in sports activities in their schools-

Improves academic performance

Exercise increases the production of cells in the hippo campus, which are responsible for memory and learning, giving children who participate in sports activities an edge over those with a sedentary lifestyle. It is a myth that sports deviates attention from academics. Instead, sports helps in concentration, faster processing of information, and development of problem-solving skills. Sports also relieves children from academic stress and helps improve their mood. It also adds to their extra-curricular activities; sports scholarship is a major benefit for pursuing higher studies.

Improves academic performance


Every second in the field is a crucial moment and hence, nothing can help your child better understand the value of their time other than sports. From going to bed early to reaching the practice on time, sports helps your kids manage their time better and arrange their schedule according to their priorities. Sports is the best cure for laziness and keeps your child from picking up bad habits like procrastination.


Discipline and anger-management

Do you often receive complaints regarding your child’s misconduct in class? Make them join sports! Sports requires a lot of discipline, it is even recommended to kids with ADHD (Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), who find it hard to pay attention in class. Obeying the commands of the coach, following the rules and regulations, etc. are a significant part of sports. Players often get penalized for breaking rules in the field. As for anger management, all the negative energy gets channelized into sports, leaving your child calm and relaxed. Displaying anger in the field against other players might get you out of the game, compelling the player to control their anger.

Discipline and anger-management

Character Development

Leadership skills- Studies done in high schools reveal a correlation between sports participation and leadership qualities. Sports help your kids take charge and be confident of their actions. It also helps them in making good decisions, enabling them to be a good leader.

Sportsmanship- In sports, there can only be one winner. Your child is taught in sports that things cannot always be in their favor, and helps them cope with it better. Sports teaches you to be a humble winner and a good loser.

Character Development

Social Skills

Cooperation- Sports that are team games require your child to cooperate with other players. Taking unanimous decisions, working with others to achieve a common goal, following norms, etc. are an essential part of sports.

Communication skills- In sports, players are supposed to maintain a healthy relationship with their teammates and their coach, giving way for the development of strong communication skills.

social skills


Being in a team makes you feel important and gives you a ‘sense of belonging’. A pat on the back, a high-five from a friend, or a handshake with an opponent at the end of a match (even if they lost), helps improves self-esteem. The supportive relationships of coaches and teammates, plus encouragement from parents, can all positively affect children’s self-esteem.


Health and Diet

Sports motivates players to be fit and in a good physical shape. This will make your child follow a proper diet and avoid tantrums regarding eating vegetables or finishing their milk. Junk food such as oily, fatty food and preservatives is not allowed to players. Cold drinks are also avoided. Exercise will make them refrain from obesity and also help regulate blood circulation.

health and diet

Sports in schools is very beneficial to children, and opens them to a whole new world of opportunities. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, so work hard and play hard!

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